Tips, experience, and advice on responsibly sourcing wild plant ingredients, from the organisations who have signed the We Use Wild Pledge.
On Top of the World: Harvest and Trade of Medicinal Plants in Northwest Nepal
Ben Parker embarked on a scoping trip to northwest Nepal in collaboration with the Himalayan Plants for People (HPfP) project (funded by the Darwin Initiative; led by TRAFFIC and ANSAB). In this post, he writes about the harvest and trade of medicinal plants in the region.
Achieving Conservation-Through-Use for Frankincense
Stephen Johnson of FairSource Botanicals discusses how to bring conservation-through-use into being for wild ingredients such as frankincense in Somaliland and Somalia.
Gaia Herbs and the journey towards sustainability
Gaia Herbs has taken the We Use Wild Pledge! Stephanie Kane, Gaia’s Global Sourcing Specialist shares the story behind one of the ingredients close to the hearts of those at Gaia - goldenseal.
Afrigetics has taken the We Use Wild Pledge
Afrigetics has taken the We Use Wild Pledge! To ‘kick off’ this pledge, Afrigetics share a thought-provoking diary entry from their head horticulturist Finn Rautenbach, whose own heart lies very close to the importance of wild plant ingredients.